Peracide Latest News
Ozone as a disinfectant
James Durham James Durham

Ozone as a disinfectant

Ozone is an extremely potent oxidising agent in a gaseous form, capable of breaking apart aromatic and alkene functional groups in chemical compounds.

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Why you need a multi-strength disinfectant
Liam Grimshaw Liam Grimshaw

Why you need a multi-strength disinfectant

In a hospital you’ve got many different areas with different risk factors. We now have Functional Risk categories to divide up these risks, but often use the same disinfectant at the same strength throughout. However it has been determined that we don’t require the same level of cleaning controls throughout, so why use the same strength disinfectant?

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The process of changing your disinfectant
Mike Joseph Mike Joseph

The process of changing your disinfectant

Over our years of experience working with the NHS, we’ve found this to be the most effective route to changing product usage and has successfully implemented Peracide in many trusts. You can rely on us to take on a majority of processes and make the changeover smooth, efficient and effective.

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Adapting cleaning and IPC for residential and social care
Mike Joseph Mike Joseph

Adapting cleaning and IPC for residential and social care

Care homes, hospices, community clinics and district nursing come with unique infection control challenges that frequently limit the product available and their scope for use. However social care requires a high level of infection control. As previously discussed, Government data shows that up to 43% of CDI cases were community acquired. There is a clear need for improvement.

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