Peracide Products

Healthcare Associated Infections (HCAIs) are one of the most prominent issues in infection control today, and proper cleaning and disinfection is a key contributor to the resolution. Peracide™ offers a thoroughly tested, safe, efficacious, and more user friendly alternative to the traditional disinfectants that are currently in use, such as hypochlorites, NaDCC, Quaternary Ammonium Compounds (QACs), and chlorine dioxide. It also has excellent cleaning properties, providing an all-in-one solution.

Peracide destroys multiple biological targets, allowing it to be effective against all resistant microbes including gram-negative bacteria, spores, and viruses. This makes it almost impossible for microbes to develop resistance to our disinfectant.

Peracide Sporicidal Disinfectant Tablets

Peracide in-situ peracetic acid, with patented colour indicator, is chlorine-free, and offers an unparalleled level of disinfection, even in heavily soiled conditions, all while being kind to the environment. Supplied as easy to use tablets, peracetic acid is generated when the tablets are dissolved in water, and provides a high level disinfectant capable of destroying any pathogen.

Peracide in-situ peracetic acid high level biocidal sporicidal drain disinfectant

Peracide Sporicidal Drain Disinfectant

Peracide Drain Disinfectant granules are formulated to be sporicidal, bactericidal, viricidal, fungicidal, and break down the protective biofilms so there is no place for microbes to hide. Containing no chlorine, Peracide granules generate peracetic acid when introduced to the drain, and are suitable for use on all sorts of drains, sinks and pipework treatments.

Peracide spill pads with in-situ peracetic acid high level biocidal sporicidal cleaner and disinfectant

Peracide Spill Kit

Cleaning up bodily fluid spills can be time consuming, and awkward to deal with, as the affected area will need decontamination after clean up. Peracide Spill pads provide a highly effective alternative to chlorine granules for the cleaning and disinfection of such spills.

Peracide in-situ peracetic acid high level biocidal sporicidal cleaner and disinfectant