Innovative Colour System
It is well known that disinfectants lose efficacy over time, but how can you tell the difference between a freshly-mixed batch of standard disinfectant, and a degraded batch, with reduced efficacy, that could be putting your staff and patients at risk? Good practice for disinfectant use often involves labelling when a solution was prepared, and how long it will last. This relies heavily on staff being diligent, checking the labels on the prepared disinfectants, as well as ensuring they update the information every time a new disinfectant solution is prepared.
To provide an extra level of security Peracide™ contains an innovative, multi-stage colour change system that allows the user to tell, at a glance, whether the solution is still efficacious. This gives cleaning technicians, staff, visitors, and patients the confidence and peace of mind that comes from knowing the disinfectant they are using is effective, while also reducing their reliance on preparation dates.
It also provides a new way of auditing disinfectants in use. A quick visual check will let an auditor know whether a solution is still active, and therefore fit for use.
How Does the Colour System Work?
The colour system works in four stages, allowing any user a simple visual guide of its usability.
First Stage - Colourless
Peracide tablets are added to clean, lukewarm water. Once added the tablets will begin to dissolve and start generating the peracetic acid biocidal component. Give it a swirl and put to one side to fully generate the biocide.
Second Stage - Violet / Purple
As the tablet(s) start dissolving a strong purple / violet colour is released into the solution. The purple colour is there to indicate that the solution is in the process of forming peracetic acid and is not yet ready to use. It will take about 5 to 10 minutes for the tablets to fully dissolve and generate the required concentration of peracetic acid biocide.
Third Stage - Pink
After about 10 minutes the purple colour will disappear and a pink colour becomes evident. Once the pink colour is present, and the tablet(s) have fully dissolved, the solution is at full strength and is ready to use. As long as the solution is an obvious pink it is good to use. The pink colour will slowly fade over the working lifetime of the solution.
Fourth Stage - Colourless
The pink colour will slowly fade over the lifetime of the solution. When the pink colour is barely visible, or has completely vanished, the solution is no longer fit for use and should be disposed of.
The amount of peracetic acid biocide present does not suddenly drop to zero, and there will still be peracetic acid present in solution, but it will no longer be at the strength it was when created and must be discarded and replaced.
Peracide In Use
Take a look at this testimonial from Eileen about Peracide, the Lead Infection Control Nurse at Doncaster and Bassetlaw NHS Foundation Trust.