Fair Work Practice

Effective voice

Employees have demonstrated that they feel comfortable raising any range of issues with management and directors.

Investment in workplace development

Employees are recommended to keep a CPD log with our highest member of staff currently having 9 points. Where it would support professional development, staff have been funded to go to conferences and on development programmes. We also collaborate and recruit from local universities and colleges.

Zero-hour contracts

We have no staff on zero-hour contracts.

Gender pay gap, diversity, and inclusivity

Analysis has shown that a gender pay gap is not present in our company. In 2022 have increased the number of women in our workforce and have many employees from diverse backgrounds. We started recording our inclusivity by monitoring any incidents of racism, sexism, xenophobia, homophobia, transphobia, ageism and other forms of discrimination 3 years ago and are yet to record an incident.

Fair pay for workers

All staff are paid at least 5% above the real living wage.

Flexible working practices

Due to the nature of our work and team size we are not able to be too flexible with our practices, however we do make accommodations where possible. This can include letting a parent leave earlier to pick up their child and allowing use of headphones where noise can cause distress.

Fire and rehire practices

We strongly oppose this practice and have not used it.