Carbon Reduction Plan

Commitment to achieving Net Zero

Sky Chemicals UK Ltd is committed to achieving Net Zero emissions by 2050.

Baseline Emissions Footprint

Baseline emissions are a record of the greenhouse gases that have been produced in the past and were produced prior to the introduction of any strategies to reduce emissions. Baseline emissions are the reference point against which emissions reduction can be measured.

Emissions reduction targets

In order to continue our progress to achieving Net Zero, we have adopted the following carbon reduction targets. We project that carbon emissions will decrease over the next five years to 303 tCO2e by 2028. This is a reduction of 25%.

We are committed to being Net Zero by 2045.

These targets can be seen in the graph below, and progress will be monitored:

Carbon Reduction Projects

Completed Carbon Reduction Initiatives

As this is the company’s first carbon footprint reduction report, this represents the starting point for our reductions. Consequently, there are no completed initiatives as yet.

Planned Carbon Reduction Initiatives

Over the next 5 years we intend to implement further measures such as:

  • Continue to procure energy from 100% renewable sources

  • Reduce gas and electricity usage by eliminating unused office / production space

  • Investigate new carbon reduction strategies for all of our operations

  • Company vehicle conforms to Euro 6b emissions standard

  • Implementing power saving office policies, such as switching off monitors when away from desks, and reducing volume of printing.

Declaration and Sign Off

This Carbon Reduction Plan has been completed in accordance with PPN 06/21 and associated guidance and reporting standard for Carbon Reduction Plans.

Emissions have been reported and recorded in accordance with the published reporting standard for Carbon Reduction Plans and the GHG Reporting Protocol corporate standard and uses the appropriate Government emission conversion factors for greenhouse gas company reporting .

Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions have been reported in accordance with SECR requirements, and the required subset of Scope 3 emissions have been reported in accordance with the published reporting standard for Carbon Reduction Plans and the Corporate Value Chain (Scope 3) Standard .

This Carbon Reduction Plan has been reviewed and signed off by the board of directors (or equivalent management body).